• overview
  • strengths
  • Bilateral Agreements
  • bilateral trade
  • agencies
  • Indian Mission

US$ 3,670.34 Mn
FDI inflows to India between April 2000-September 2023

US$ 3.6 billion

bilateral trade value for 2022-23

1.6 mn
One of the largest Indian diasporas in the world

World's 2nd largest country

Canada is the world's 2nd largest country by surface area and yet it is relatively small in terms of population, with a 0.5 % share of the world's population

S&T and Space

Canada's first LEO satellite was launched by Indian Space Research Organisation in its 100th PSLV Satellite

Sectoral strengths

Strong geographic and sectoral clusters (e.g. aerospace, automotive, biomedical, digital media, agrifood) and sound banking system


The world’s ten largest pharmaceutical companies are present in Canada, and most of them with R&D as well as manufacturing operations

Digital Media

is a US$22bn industry in Canada that supports more than 120,000 creative jobs, making it one of the foremost investment destinations for global digital media companies

India's Exports and Imports to Canada

Canada India Business Council


Visit Website

The Canada-India Business Council is a leading voice, champion, and facilitator for business relations between Canada and India.

Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce


Visit Website

The Chamber aims to strengthen, promote and foster bilateral trade, commerce, and economic relations between India and Canada.

High Commission of India, Ottawa


Visit Website

10, Springfield Road, Ottawa
Ontario K1M 1C9


Agricultural exports

    Apple juice (excl. of 2009.71), unfermented & not cont. added spirit, wheth … (200979)
    Mixtures of juices, unfermented & not cont. added spirit, whether or not co … (200990)
    Orange juice, frozen, unfermented & not cont. added spirit, whether or not … (200911)
    Orange juice, not frozen, of a Brix value not >20, unfermented & not cont. … (200912)
    OTHER JUICES (200989)
    Protein concs. & textured protein subs. (210610)


    Beer made from malt (220300)
    Ethyl alcohol & oth. spirits, denatured, of any strength (220720)
    Fermented beverages (e.g., cider, perry, mead), n.e.s.; mixts. of fermented … (220600)
    Liqueurs & cordials (220870)
    Mineral waters (nat./art.) & aerated waters, not cont. added sugar/oth. swe … (220110)
    Non-alcoholic beverages other than waters of 2202.10 (not incl. fruit/veg. … (220290)
    Rum & tafia (220840)
    Sparkling wine of fresh grapes (220410)
    Spirits obt. by distilling grape wine/grape marc (220820)
    Vodka (220860)
    Waters, incl. min. waters & aerated waters, cont. added sugar/oth. sweeteni … (220210)
    Whiskies (220830)
    Wine other than sparkling wine of fresh grapes, incl. fortified; grape must with fermentation prevented/arrested by the addition of alcohol, in containters of >10 l (220429)
    Wine other than sparkling wine of fresh grapes, incl. fortified; grape must with fermentation prevented/arrested by the addition of alcohol, in containters of 2 l/less (220421)


    Cuts & edible offal of species Gallus domesticus, fresh/chilled (020713)
    Cuts & edible offal of species Gallus domesticus, frozen (020714)
    Edible parts of plants, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added sugar/ot … (200899)
    Live fowls of species Gallus domesticus, weighing not >185g (010511)
    Meat of bovine animals, fresh/chilled (excl. of 0201.10), bone-in (020120)
    Meat of bovine animals, fresh/chilled, boneless (020130)
    Meat of bovine animals, frozen, boneless (020230)
    Meat of sheep (excl. lamb & carcasses), frozen, bone-in (020442)
    Meat of swine (excl. carcasses/half-carcasses/hams/shoulders & cuts thereof ), fresh/chilled (020319)
    Meat of swine (excl. carcasses/half-carcasses/hams/shoulders & cuts thereof ), froxen (020329)
    Sausages & sim. prods., of meat/meat offal/blood; food preps. based on thes … (160100)


    Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits & oth. bakers’ wares n.e.s. in Ch.19, whethe … (190590)
    Sugar confectionery other than chewing gum (incl. white chocolate), not con … (170490)
    Sweet biscuits (190531)


    Cereals other than maize (corn) in grain form/in the form of flakes/oth. wk … (190490)
    Maize (corn), other than seed (100590)
    Maize (corn), seed (100510)
    Malt extract; oth. food preps. of flour/groats/meal/starch/malt extact [see … (190190)
    Semi-milled/wholly milled rice, whether or not polished/glazed (100630)


    Chmcly pure glucos and its syrp without or with < 20% by wgt of fractos in dry state (170230)
    Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume <80%vol; oth. ... (220890)


    Chocolate & oth. food preps. cont. cocoa (excl. of 1803.10-1806.10), in blo … (180620)
    Chocolate & oth. food preps. cont. cocoa (excl. of 1806.20-1806.32) (180690)
    Chocolate & oth. food preps. cont. cocoa, in blocks/slabs/bars, weighing 2k … (180631)
    Chocolate & oth. food preps. cont. cocoa, in blocks/slabs/bars, weighing 2k … (180632)
    Cocoa beans, whole/broken, raw/roasted (180100)
    Cocoa butter, fat & oil (180400)
    Cocoa paste, not defatted (180310)
    Cocoa powder, not cont. added sugar/oth. sweetening matter (180500)


    Butter (040510)
    Cheese (excl. of 0406.10-0406.40) (040690)
    Milk albumin incldng concentrates of two or more whey proteins (350220)


    Pasta (excl. of 1902.11-1902.20) (190230)
    Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked/othw. prepd. (190220)
    Uncooked pasta, not stuffed/othw. prepd., not cont. eggs (190219)
    Waffles & wafers (190532)


    ROSES (060311)


    ROSES (060311)


    Food preps., n.e.s. (210690)
    Mixes & doughs for the preparation of bakers’ wares of 19.05 (190120)
    Preparations for infant use, put up for RS (190110)
    Preparations of fruit (excl. citrus fruit; excl. homogenized), obt. by cook … (200799)
    Prepared foods obt. by the swelling/roasting of cereals/cereal prods. (190410)
    Prepared/presvd. preps. of bovine animals (excl. homogenised preps.), incl. … (160250)
    Prepared/presvd. preps. of fowls of the genus Gallus domesticus (excl. homo … (160232)
    Prepared/presvd. preps. of swine (excl. of 1602.41, 1602.42 & homogenised p … (160249)
    Sauces & preps. therefor, n.e.s.; mixed condiments & mixed seasonings, n.e. … (210390)
    Soups & broths & preps. therefor (210410)
    Tomato ketchup & oth. tomato sauces (210320)
    Whey & modified whey, whether or not concentrated/sweetened (040410)


    Apples, fresh (080810)
    Asparagus, fresh/chilled (070920)
    Avocados, fresh/dried (080440)
    Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce), fresh/chilled (070511)
    Cabbages, kohlrabi, kale & sim. edible brassicas (excl. cauliflowers, heade … (070490)
    Carrots & turnips, fresh/chilled (070610)
    Cauliflowers & headed broccoli, fresh/chilled (070410)
    Celery (excl. celeriac), fresh/chilled (070940)
    Cranberries, bilberries & oth. fruits of the genus vaccinium, fresh (081040)
    Cucumbers & gherkins, fresh/chilled (070700)
    Cucumbers & gherkins, prepd./presvd. by vinegar/acetic acid (200110)
    Fresh fruit, n.e.s. (081090)
    Fruit & nuts, n.e.s., uncooked/cooked by steaming/boiling in water, frozen, … (081190)
    Fruits of the genera Capsicum/Pimenta, fresh/chilled (070960)
    Grapes, dried (080620)
    Grapes, fresh (080610)
    Guavas, mangoes & mangosteens, fresh/dried (080450)
    Lemons (Citrus limon/limonum) & limes (Citrus aurantifolia/latifolia), fres … (080550)
    Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) (excl. cabbage lettuce) fresh/chilled (070519)
    Live plants, n.e.s., incl. their roots; mushroom spawn (060290)
    Mandarins, incl. tangerines & satsumas; clementines, wilkings & sim. citrus … (080520)
    Melons (excl. watermelons), fresh (080719)
    Mixtures of citrus fruits, cranberries, pears, apricot etc. (200897)
    Olives, presvd./presvd. othw. than by vinegar/acetic acid, not frozen, othe … (200570)
    Onions & shallots, fresh/chilled (070310)
    Oranges, fresh/dried (080510)
    Other – cherries: (080929)
    Other cane sugar: (170114)
    Peaches, incl. nectarines, fresh (080930)
    PEARS- FRESH (080830)
    Pineapples, fresh/dried (080430)
    Potatoes other than seed potatoes, fresh/chilled (070190)
    Potatoes, prepd./presvd. othw. than by vinegar/acetic acid, frozen, other t … (200410)
    Potatoes, prepd./presvd. othw. than by vinegar/acetic acid, not frozen, oth … (200520)
    Pumpkins, squash and gourds (cucurbita spp.)- fruits (070993)
    Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries & loganberries, fresh (081020)
    Spinach, new zealand spinach & orache spinach (garden spinach), fresh/chill … (070970)
    Strawberries, fresh (081010)
    Tomatoes, fresh/chilled (070200)
    Vegetable seeds, of a kind used for sowing (120991)
    Vegetables & mixts. of vegetables, presvd./presvd. othw. than by vinegar/ac … (200490)
    Vegetables, fruit, nuts & oth. edible parts of plants (excl. cucumbers & gh … (200190)
    Vegetables, n.e.s., uncooked/cooked by steaming/boiling in water, frozen (071080)
    Watermelons, fresh (080711)


    Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.), shelled/unshelled, fresh/chilled (070820)
    Dried vegetables, n.e.s.; mixts. of dried vegetables, whole/cut/sliced/brok … (071290)
    Peas (pisum sativum), shelled/unshelled, fresh/chilled (070810)


    Crustacean preparations; shrimps and prawns, prepared
    or preserved, not in airtight containers
    Crustaceans, frozen, shrimps and prawns, excluding
    cold- water varieties, in shell or not,
    smoked, cooked or not before or or during smoking; in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (030617)
    Crustaceans, not frozen, lobsters (Homarus Spp.),whether in shell or not, smoked, cooked or not before or during smoking; in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water edible flours, meals, and pellets (030622)
    Fish fillets; fresh or chilled, salmon,
    Pacific (Oncorhynch nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus
    masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic (Salmo
    alar), Danube (Hucho hucho) (030441)


    Ground-nut, not roasted or otherwise cooked, whether or not shelled or broken-in shelled whether or not broken (120242)
    Ground-nuts, prepd./presvd., whether or not cont. added/sugar/oth. sweeteni … (200811)
    Hazelnuts/filberts (Corylus spp.), shelled (080222)
    Nuts (excl. ground-nuts), incl. mixts., prepd./presvd., whether or not cont … (200819)
    Nuts, n.e.s., fresh/dried, whether or not shelled/peeled (080290)
    Walnuts, shelled (080232)


    OTHER (200599)

Employment Opportunities

*Information subject to changes amid the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Canada has been attracting a large number of foreign workers to strengthen its economy’s future. People with various expertise from all over the world are moving to Canada in search of a better life. The nation also attracts a large number of students.

Canada is home to over 1.6 million Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), additionally, over 172,600 Indian students in Canada. The growing cooperation has opened up new avenues of bilateral cooperation.

More Info: Immigrate through Express Entry Get a work permit Canada Work Visa Work Permit

    Academic research and doctoral-level studies

    The U15 universities in Canada offer the best of infrastructure and facilities to researchers from around the world. Academic research as well as scientific and technological R&D attracts large number of foreigners to various institutions around Canada.

    Skilled professionals can apply for an Express Entry visa

    EduCanadaJob Bank Canada

    Conventional energy, power utilities and renewable energy jobs

    Canada is the sixth largest energy producer, the fifth largest net exporter, and the eighth largest consumer, as per government data. Power utilities to renewable energy services employ foreign resources and manpower.

    EnergyJob Bank Canada

    Tax, accounting, banking, insurance, audit and other financial services

    Canada’s banking system was ranked the third soundest in the world during 2016-2017 by the World Economic Forum. Financial services in Canada are supported by foreign workers at different capacities.

    Department of Finance CanadaJob Bank Canada

    Doctors, nurses, radiologists, lab technicians

    Canada has one of the best healthcare ecosystems in the world. Canada attracts large number of healthcare workers ranging from doctors to nurses and lab technicians.

    Health CanadaJob Bank Canada

    Culinary, server, personalcare, hotel, tour and travel staffing

    Tourism in Canada is strong and growing, yet some of its tremendous potential is still untapped. The hospitality sector in Canada, ranging from hotels to tourism to personal care, employs large number of foreign workers.

    Travel and tourismJob Bank Canada

    Software, hardware, new technology in telecoms and communications

    Canada’s ICT sector posted strong growth in 2018, and outperformed the overall Canadian economy in output, employment and innovation growth. The IT and ICT infrastructure in Canada employs foreign workers in large numbers.

    Innovation, Science and Economic Development CanadaJob Bank Canada

    Automobile to food products production

    Manufacturers export more than US$270 billion each year, representing 68% of all of Canada’s merchandise exports, as per government data. The manufacturing industry in Canada, covering a range of products, draws foreign manpower.

    Manufacturing industriesJob Bank Canada

    Jobs in physical retail, sales

    Large retail firms in Canada operate their own warehouse facilities and, in some instances, have manufacturing operations for the production of private-label goods.Retail operations in Canada employ a large number of foreign workers.

    Innovation, Science and Economic Development CanadaJob Bank Canada

    Faculty positions up to uninversity

    Canada continues to report strong annual growth in international student enrolment owing to its high-quality and affordable higher education ecosystem. The education sector in Canada, ranging from schools to universities draw foreign teaching staff from different disciplines.

    EduCanadaJob Bank Canada

    Production: 3.2 million tons


    Production: 147 tonnes


    Production: 62.3 million tonnes
    Export : 35 million tonnes
    Import : 7.6 million tonnes
    Reserves : 6582 million tonnes


    Production : 3,524 tonnes


    Production: 587,000 tonnes
    Export : 389,840 tonnes


    Production : 23.2 million carats
    Export : Canadian $2.9 billion


    Production: 193 tonnes

    Reserve: 2,000 tonnes

    Export: 304 tonnes


    Production: 13 kilotonnes


    Production: 2,997 kilotonnes


    Production: 52 million tonnes

    Reserve: 6000 million tonnes (crude iron ore)

    Export: 47.7 million tonnes


    Production : 255,000 tonnes
    Export : 271,069 tonnes


    Production: 4,681 tonnes


    Production: 180,000 tonnes
    Reserve: 2.7 million tonnes

    Export: 115,000 tonnes


    Platinum Group Metals
    Production: 996,000 troy ounces (30,979 kgs)
    Reserve: 310 tonnes
    Export: Canadian $ 1.2 billion


    Production: 22.7 million tonnes
    Reserve: 1.2 billion tonnes

    Export: 21.9 million tonnes


    Production: 10,568 kilo tonnes


    Production : 353 tonnes


    Production: 5.3 million tonnes


    Production: 7,50,000 tons
    Export: US$ 2.99 billion


    Production: 7.0 kilo tonnes


    Production: 286,225 tonnes
    Reserve: 2.25 million tonnes

    Export: 651,584 tonnes


Priority Sectors

Here are the leading sectors of opportunities for foreign investors

Top Import/ Export Items

India's top import from Canada
  • Paper & Paperboard
  • Wood Pulp
  • Edible Vegetables and Certain Roots & Tubers
  • Mineral fuels
India's top export to Canada
  • Pearls
  • Organic Chemicals
  • Pharmaceutical products
  • Precious Stones
  • Jewelry & Coins

Bilateral Investors

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How an energy pact between India and Canada can be a win-win for both nations

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