Friday, 23rd August 2024, CII Chandigarh

The Greater Chandigarh Region (GCR) is rapidly becoming a significant startup hub in India. The strategic location and advanced infrastructure create an ideal environment for entrepreneurs. A talented pool of graduates from esteemed universities drives innovation, while a collaborative atmosphere promotes knowledge sharing and networking. Government programs provide incubation support and funding, and the relatively lower cost of living compared to metropolitan areas makes The Greater Chandigarh Region (GCR) an appealing starting point for startups. With successful ventures like Agnext, Evage etc, GCR’s startup ecosystem draws investor attention and is set for remarkable growth.

The Vision of making the Greater Chandigarh Region (GCR) a startup powerhouse will need the right initiatives. Financial incentives include seed funding grants, tax breaks, and tax credits. Established a strong support system with incubation centres, co-working spaces, and high-speed internet to empower startups. Promoting a culture of innovation through training programs. Collaborating with universities, offering skill development programs, and attracting talent ensures a robust workforce to power the GCR’s startup engine. These directives create an optimal environment for startups to thrive, positioning the GCR at the forefront of India’s innovation landscape.

Against this backdrop, the Confederation of Indian Industry is organizing the Chandigarh Startup Conclave 2024 on Friday, 23rd August 2024, at CII NR HQ, Chandigarh, from 0915 hrs onwards. The Chandigarh Startup Conclave is an attempt to create a platform for concerned Stakeholders – Policy makers, Financial institutions, leaders from Industry, Academia, Funding agencies, successful Startups and Budding Entrepreneurs to come on a common platform to drive startups to the next phase of growth. A Networking lunch will follow the Conclave.

The Chandigarh Startup Conclave 2024 will host a series of Panel discussions on various topics like Constructing a Robust Startup Ecosystem & Navigating Barriers: Strategies for Market Access & Competition and Interactions with the Unicorns from the Greater Chandigarh Region.
