Disruptive technologies have disrupted the business landscape in the past few years. Kodak, Blockbuster & Nokia are some of the giants of yore that have been impacted heavily. New giants have emerged that have thrived in the new ecosystem – Netflix, Spotify, Amazon, Facebook & Uber to name a few. From traditional to modern, all the businesses have technology touch points that impact the business transactions. Technologies emerge to solve problems that exist; they may further lead to new problems – which may need new technologies to solve them. To leverage the disruptive technologies, conceptual clarity of the technology and the value it can provide in today’s world is essential.
To keep abreast of these advancements in technology, the theme of NATC has evolved from leveraging disruptive technologies to managing and thriving – in the face of digital transformation. This year the theme is “Industrialization of Disruptive Technologies” – focusing on Productionisation /maturing of disruptive technologies – From Block Chain, AI & ML, IOT, to AR/VR, Software Architectures, and Cloud.
NATC 2019 conference will be a 2 days event, with day 1 focused on deep dive sessions and workshop. Aligning with NATC theme, Deep dive session and Workshop will cover topics which will help CTOs and Software Architects to take their solution from Lab to productization.
As new age technologies are moving from the cusp of innovative concepts solutions in a lab to productization, they need to have a solid foundation to handle real-world challenges of random load, rarest scenario occurring often, integration with legacy system, and constant evaluation of software enhancement & Business ROI. Deep dive session and workshop shall focus on one of the possible aspects of this migration journey, share real-world experience of best practices, pitfalls along with the technology foundation.